Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Things may seem to be simple mathematical terms, but please try to correlate it!
Once I asked to my maths teacher, "Sir, what is infinity?"
He stretched his arm parallel to the ground and pointed the finger and said; from where this twilight seems to be appeared, that is infinity. Where your sightedness finds the convergence of the ground and sky, that is infinity.
I innocently asked, "But once you taught, it is (1/0) then how does it relate this twilight and ground and which infinity we use to solve the math's problems?"
Can you answer me, what is infinity?
It does not have any religion, it is same for everyone even for the number line.
Have you ever imagined (infinite 1 < infinite 2)? (I can't find a symbol for infinity in keyboard)
It looks strange, now take an example;
draw two concentric circles and draw as many diameters as you can for smaller one with the help of a very sharp pencil and have a look.(circle will break in infinite small parts)
Now continue to stretch the ends of the diameters for the bigger circle. What did you see now? It would struck a train of ferocious wave in your spirit. Now you can sketch more diameters (even bigger). Which infinity is significant?
Another example; take a length of 4 cm. Is 4 cm equal to infinity?
Not for you, but yes it is, for pi (an irrational no.). There are infinite digits after the decimal, it would never complete (it's not finite).It is struggling for its own existence. Then how can 4 be a finite one for pi?(Now I am confused whether 4 is infinite or that twilight is infinite)
The area of a circle is also an irrational no. (a multiple of pi), it suggests that we can't have an exact area of it.
Secondly, if we are recognizing any point as infinity, its not necessary that our reference point will also be an infinite for that point. As there is a theory of universe (big bang theory). So from the Earth the center of big bang may be at infinite, but vice-versa is not true. Because thousands of galaxies may be far apart than our galaxy from that point.
Our state is like any irrational no. by considering the the center of big bang as origin. Because we can see it only in one way. Even all the laws of nature we discovered by taking the Earth as a reference. In my opinion which will get fail outside our shell, same as the pseudo force works in a accelerating car.
From another angle, how would be the view of smaller infinity as seen by the bigger one & vice versa? (may be like as an elephant looks an ant) (Although both are infinities).
What was around the big bang just before the explosion? (a space or an infinite)..... no one knows.
In the study of theory of infinite a famous mathematician Georg cantore got insane and died.